Early New England Restorations, LLC

Timeless Barn Company™ also specializes in the repurposing vintage barns as artist studios. What environment could be more conducive to the creative process than a barn? Ambience, light,'s all there, for whatever your creative muse needs. Just watching the sun move through the day and looking at the ancient old growth forest timbers in the light is enough to make you feel peaceful, the result lending itself to a creative mindset.

Timeless Barn Company
(Vintage Barns)
4594 E. State Rd. 28 E.
Frankfort, IN 46041
Timeless Barn Company
Timeless Barn Company

Timeless Barn Company™specializes in adapting, reclaiming, repurposing, and restoring vintage barns into amazing personal and commercial spaces. Our company began nearly 20 years ago with a single barn. It was taken down, timber by timber, and moved to its new location where it became an amazing home. The company was created, and dismantling, restoring, and re-erecting pre-Civil War barns and turning them into homes became our passion. We have also expanded our product lines to include not only custom timber framing but basic packages such as our Colonial Saltbox Home, as well as furniture, flooring, and fireplace mantels. It is a great day when you walk into a well-preserved masterpiece that was built 180 years ago, and know that you have found something really special. Pristine original structures are the ultimate find and they make wonderful homes, commercial buildings, wineries, and studios. Suffice it to say...just about anything you can imagine, we can build.....and it all begins with a barn.



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