The Color People

Your home can make you feel great every time you see it with exterior colors that compliment you, your surroundings, and the way you live— and add value to your property as well. While we specialize in Historic Homes we also work our magic on all styles of homes including tract homes and brand new homes. Working through the mail, utilizing photos or blueprints, and using your input through our famous questionnaire, The Color People can take the fear out of choosing colors for your home or commercial building. We also have a mail order service for Historic commercial buildings such as store fronts and B&B’s.

K.C. Restoration Company, Inc.

The official blog of K.C. Resoration Company, Inc. features images and descriptions of many of our projects.

John Canning & Co.
(Conservation Services)
150 Commerce Court
Cheshire, CT 06410
John Canning & Co.
John Canning & Co.

John Canning & Co. is an architectural restoration contractor with over 45 years of experience. We specialize in services for historic preservation, conservation, restoration, and replication. John Canning & Co. is an expert in the architectural arts and finishes such as ornamental plaster restoration, plaster stabilization, decorative paint & finishes, gilding, historic woodwork and stone, as well as exterior services of architectural gilding and selective decorative finishes. Our principals are professional associates of the American Institute for the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC). We are guided by the principle "do no harm" and advance that principle by providing treatments that are reversible and supplying owners with thorough documentation of research, conditions, actions taken and materials used.
K.C. Restoration
Company, Inc.

(Conservation Services)
1514 W. 130th Street
Gardena, CA 90249
K.C. Restoration Company, Inc.
K.C. Restoration Company, Inc.

K.C. Restoration Company, Inc., founded in 1990, is a family-owned and operated company in Culver City, CA. We are fully licensed, bonded and insured. Our team of qualified specialists are trained in the conservation of cultural materials under the guidelines of the American Institute of Conservation Code of Ethics and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. We are one of California's leading contractors in the preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of historic properties, having worked extensively on many landmark buildings in Los Angeles and Southern California. Focusing on the restoration of decorative architectural elements, we are sensitive to historic materials and are dedicated to maintaining historical accuracy. Our areas of specialty include the conservation of painted and decorative surfaces, painting of historic buildings, wood and metal door restoration, wood and metal window restoration and architectural woodwork.
253 36th St. Suite 5-C
Brooklyn, NY 11232
EverGreene Architectural Arts, Inc.
EverGreene Architectural Arts, Inc.

One of the great advantages to working with EverGreene Architectural Arts is our single-source capability to assist you through an entire project, from beginning to end. From restoration to conservation, from plasterwork to decorative painting, from new artwork to historic fine art, from surface preparation and quality coatings to custom decorative finishing treatments, EverGreene can help you execute all of your well-laid plans and designs. Encyclopedic knowledge of the materials and techniques of the architectural arts and three decades of hands-on experience have enabled us to develop innovative methodologies for creating and preserving art in architectural settings. Clients also benefit from our unified artistic vision and our consistently high standards of artistry and craftsmanship, all informed by a cross-disciplinary approach integrating conservation science, restoration craftsmanship, advanced technology, art history, architecture, engineering and construction.
Raynal Studios
(Stained Glass Conserv.)
PO Box 405
Natural Bridge Sta. VA
Raynal Studios
Raynal Studios

Raynal Studios is a fully accredited, family owned and operated, full service studio. Our primary focus is the professional restoration of historically significant stained glass windows and their settings. Every stained glass window that is restored or produced by our studio is of the very best quality, whether it is a fully restored $500,000.00 Tiffany Studios window, or a new, simple diamond light window Since its founding in 1991, Raynal Studios has flourished with a client base of churches and institutes desiring not the lowest price, but the best quality. Raynal Studios’ involvement with high profile restoration projects (Princeton University Chapel, Painted Fired glass for the Smithsonian Institute, Repair of Stained Glass in the Reading Room of the Library of Congress, etc.) has given our studio the experience necessary for the successful completion of any stained glass project, no matter how large or small it may be.
Hayles & Howe, Inc.
(Conservation Services)
2700 Sisson Street
Baltimore, MD 21211
Hayles & Howe, Inc.
Hayles & Howe, Inc.

Hayles & Howe, Inc. are renowned for the care and attention to detail given to every part of every project, large or small. As a highly experienced Ornamental Plastering company, Hayles and Howe can offer exquisite attention to all the finest details of any decorative plasterwork. Hayles & Howe’s service covers all areas, from design and specification to production and installation. The company has a proud tradition in providing a high quality service to any home, public or private, large or small. Hayles & Howe staff have over 200 years combined experience working with fibrous plaster and scagliola. We are proud to also be recognized for the training and support we provide to our team, having been awarded the Investors in People Silver standard for demonstrating our commitment to realizing the potential in people.
United States &
Canada Service Areas
Historic Plaster Conservation Services Limited
Historic Plaster Conservation Services Limited

Historic Plaster Conservation Services (HPCS) was founded in 1988 to pursue opportunities in the very specific field of architectural plaster conservation. We address and repair the structural problems of fragile plaster in historic buildings. Applied as a preventive maintenance procedure, our products economically extend the safe and maintenance-free service life of historic plaster ceilings – avoiding the tragedy of collapse and the huge expense of reconstruction. In short, we preserve original plaster. Leading preservation architects and heritage consultants specify the HPCS approach in restorations where important plaster is at risk. Our goal is to work with clients who value the original building fabric for which they are responsible and who wish to retain this fabric with the lowest possible level of disruption and cost.


415 Sapphire Drive Sarasota, FL 34234 941.704.1497
Architectural Painting & Renovation
48 Plymouth St.
Middleboro, MA
Blackburn Building Conservation LLC
253 36th St. Suite 5-C
Brooklyn, NY 11232
EverGreene Architectural Arts, Inc.
Hayles & Howe, Inc.
(Conservation Services)
2700 Sisson Street
Baltimore, MD 21211
Hayles & Howe, Inc.
Historic Building
Architects, LLC

(Preservation Architects)
312 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08618
Historic Building Architects, LLC
United States &
Canada Service Areas
Historic Plaster Conservation Services Limited
K.C. Restoration
Company, Inc.

(Conservation Services)
1514 W. 130th Street
Gardena, CA 90249
K.C. Restoration Company, Inc.
Page Conservation, Inc.
(Painting Conservation)
1300 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC
Page Conservation, Inc.
Raynal Studios
(Stained Glass Conserv.)
PO Box 405
Natural Bridge Sta. VA
Raynal Studios



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