Early New England Restorations, LLC

Brian Knight, principal of Brian Knight Research, is the author of “No Braver Deeds: The Story of the Equinox Guards” - detailing the lives of soldiers from Manchester, Vermont during the Civil War.

Stewardship Strategies, LLC

Stewardship Strategies, LLC is a future-focused firm that engages with change to identify the best potential outcomes and how to achieve them. We look at complex relationships and parse out the factors that contribute to present and future conditions in order to understand how research and input can affect outcomes.


Kirk Huffaker Preservation Strategies' principal Kirk Huffaker believes preserving historic places preserves the soul of communities. He has led or made significant contributions to many "saves" and rehabilitation projects and holds board directorships at The National Preservation Partners Network and the Sema Hadithi African American Heritage and Culture Foundation.

Brian Knight Research
(Research Consulting)
585 Nichols Hill Road
Dorset, VT 05251
Brian Knight Research
Brian Knight Research

Brian Knight Research (BKR) specializes in historic preservation planning and compliance, architectural and landscape history, historic research, fundraising prospect research, collections and archives management, and artifact research. Brian Knight has worked in social and architectural history in New England since 1997. He received a B.A. in Political Science and M.S. in Historic Preservation from the University of Vermont. As a 36 CFR Part 61 qualified consultant, he specializes in cultural resource research, documentation, and evaluation. Through his work with architectural surveys, National Register nominations, visual impact studies and tax rehabilitation applications, Mr. Knight consistently follows the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Mr. Knight also possesses experience in education, non-profit management, museum interpretation and archives/library management.
Strategies, LLC

(Research Consulting)
Austin, TX
Stewardship Strategies, LLC
Stewardship Strategies, LLC

Stewardship Strategies, LLC is a consulting firm and thought leadership group that specializes in place planning, pragmatic preservation and policy. We seek to understand the role that historic sites and structures and cultural resources play in society now and in the future. While the stories of places are important to our cultural memory, the role of place has to be based on more than anecdotes. We conduct research and data analysis to help us understand how historic places play a role in our future and how to best manage them today. Just as change does not occur in a silo, we do not work in a silo. Stewardship Strategies, LLC brings a network of thought leaders, designers and practitioners to the table so that we can have a multi-faceted approach to problem definition and resolution. We are a think tank that acts.
411 E. 6th Street
Anniston, AL 36207
Schneider Historic Preservation, LLC
Schneider Historic Preservation, LLC

Schneider Historic Preservation, LLC provides a full range of historic preservation consulting services, specializing in the certification of projects for historic rehabilitation tax credits, National Register nominations and historic resource documentation, community preservation planning, and design review in historic districts. Mr. Schneider's professional historic preservation career spans 37 years, during which time he has successfully completed a diverse range of projects for both private and public sector clients in fifteen states and one other country. Historic preservation projects often involve the varied interests of clients, regulatory agencies, advocacy groups, and the public. Having worked extensively in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, Mr. Schneider is an effective advocate for his clients’ interests and is skilled at finding creative and practical solutions for complicated projects. In 2013, Mr. Schneider was engaged by the Alabama Historical Commission to assist with the preparation of regulations and procedures for the Alabama Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program. Since that time, he has represented projects involving more than $550,000,000 in proposed rehabilitation work and more than 5,000,000 square feet of building space for clients seeking to utilize state and federal historic rehabilitation tax credits in Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
61 St. Joseph Street
Mobile, AL 36602
McNair Historic Preservation, Inc.
McNair Historic Preservation, Inc.

McNair Historic Preservation, Inc. is a national Historic Preservation consulting firm offering clients a range of services including government relations, historic tax credit and economic incentive consultation, historic economic development project management, historic real estate and design consultation, and research/fieldwork services to document and promote your historic assets. Based in Mobile, Alabama, our staff provides the expert services you need to find the greatest value and solutions for your historic property, while also balancing contemporary realities. McNair Historic Preservation possesses an expert understanding of government policies and application requirements for navigating through local, state, and federal regulations as we shepherd projects through all phases of the regulatory process. Whether you are a homeowner, developer, municipality, corporation, or attorney, we offer services to assist you with your project and maximize the value and historic integrity of your property.
EHT Traceries, Inc.
(Research Consultants)
440 Mass. Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
EHT Traceries, Inc.
EHT Traceries, Inc.

EHT Traceries, Inc. is a highly knowledgeable and reliable source of professional research and consultation services relating to the history and culture of the built environment and historic preservation. EHT Traceries, Inc. provides objective, professional analysis and expertise to a variety of clientele. The firm works with property owners and neighborhood groups as well as the architectural, development, legal, and preservation community. Services include preservation planning, technical preservation services, historic tax credit consulting, survey and documentation and more. Clients include town, city, county and state agencies as well. The firm has a long record of participation in projects with the federal government and national organizations, including the General Services Administration, the Department of the Interior, the National Park Service, the Smithsonian Institution, the Armed Forces Retirement Home, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Kirk Huffaker
Preservation Strategies

(Preservation Consultant)
159 W Broadway #200
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Kirk Huffaker Preservation Strategies
Kirk Huffaker Preservation Strategies

Kirk Huffaker Preservation Strategies is a Salt Lake City, Utah, based historic preservation consultancy. Owner and principal Kirk Huffaker specializes in historic preservation and community revitalization through survey, documentation, designation, rehabilitation, and preservation planning. His work as an architectural historian, preservation planner, and organizational leader is focused on historic and new narratives based on place with a nexus at the intersection of architecture, culture, and meaning. He enjoys working with boards, staff, and communities to bring ideas and goals into focus as well as to meet the challenges of owning, operating, and rehabilitating older and historic structures, and provides feasible preservation options and products that enhance and shape historic places for the future. Kirk has over twenty-five years of diversified experience as an architectural historian and preservation planner applying the standards and requirements set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations Procedures for State, Tribal and Local Government Preservation Programs (36 CFR 61) and the Professional Qualifications Standards in the Secretary of Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeology and Historic Preservation for Architectural History, History, and Historic Architecture (62 FR 33719).
Charles J. Fisher,

(Research Consultant)
Los Angeles, CA
Charles J. Fisher, Historian
Charles J. Fisher, Historian

Does your older house qualify as an Historic-Cultural Monument? It may! Charles J. FIsher, Historian has discovered many a diamond in the rough. You may be surprised to discover that you own a truly historic property. Is a precious landmark near you threatened with demolition or development? You or your community organization may be able to protect it, even if you don't own the property. History belongs to all of the citizens of Los Angeles, and anyone can nominate a property as an Historic-Cultural Monument. Even if the property does not receive Historic-Cultural Landmark status, it will be protected for a few precious months while preservation strategies can be prepared. Charlie assists the discriminating vintage home owner with matters relating to Historic-Cultural Monument Application, Mills Act Application, creating your own Historic Preservation Overlay Zone, chain of title research, historic building permits, and all other historic preservation efforts. For more information about Charlie, read his curriculum vitae. Charlie has written and/or researched and advocated numerous successful nominations. Find his full list here.


Brian Knight Research
(Preservation Consultant)
585 Nichols Hill Road
Dorset, VT 05251
Brian Knight Research
Charles J. Fisher,

(Preservation Consultant)
Los Angeles, CA
Charles J. Fisher, Historian
The Color People
(Historic Color Experts)
Service Area
The Color People
Cultural Resource
Analysts, Inc.

(Research Consultants)
151 Walton Avenue
Lexington, KY 40508
Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc.
EHT Traceries, Inc.
(Preservation Consultants)
440 Mass. Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
EHT Traceries, Inc.
Kirk Huffaker
Preservation Strategies

(Preservation Consultant)
159 W Broadway #200
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Kirk Huffaker Preservation Strategies
McNair Historic
Preservation, Inc.

(Preservation Consultant)
61 St. Joseph Street
Mobile, AL 36602
McNair Historic Preservation, Inc.
Michael Gioulis
(Research Consultant)
614 Main Street
Sutton, WV 26601
Michael Gioulis
PAL, Inc.
(CRM Services)
26 Main Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860
PAL, Inc.
Quality Services, Inc.
(Research Consultant)
1621 Sheridan Lake Rd.
Rapid City, SD 57702
Quality Services, Inc.
411 E. 6th Street
Anniston, AL 36207
Schneider Historic Preservation, LLC
Strategies, LLC

(Research Consulting)
Austin, TX
Stewardship Strategies, LLC



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