(Railings & Balustrades)
Talladega, AL 35160
Metal Works, Inc.
(Railings & Balustrades)
Huntington, NY 11743
(Porch Components)
Fargo, ND 58104
Do you require custom replication of wood spindles for your patio, deck, or porch? If you have a specific vision in mind, Mr. Spindle can make your dream a reality. We proudly offer custom wood deck parts for your restoration project. If you have something unique, send us your sample, photo, or drawing. We’ll turn your custom restoration project's components with exacting detail.
Old Carolina Brick has preserved the ancient art of making brick by hand. Although our operation is modernized and automated, we have kept the process of throwing the clay by hand into wooden moulds. Our skilled mud throwers form a clump of clay into a wedge shape, roll it in sand, and drop it into a wooden mold. This hand moulding operation imparts distinctive folds, finger marks and other surface irregularities which make each brick individually and uniquely characterized.