Structures North Consulting Engineers, Inc.

More than half of Structures North’s projects involve historic structures, many of these in initially poor condition and nearly all of them needing intervention. We take pride in our ability to develop appropriate material treatments and design solutions for the specific conditions at hand. Sometimes it is the purpose of our work to reverse the weathering effects of time, or to counter damage that has occurred from lack of proper maintenance. Other times, we must correct as-originally-built flaws in historic structures with discretely placed modifications or supplements that better satisfy the original builders’ intent while providing improved safety and longevity. Always in such projects where structural modifications are necessary, our goal is to leave no visible trace.

Wood Research and Development

Give yourself the peace of mind you deserve with Wood Research and Development's in-depth and cost-effective structural inspections. Make sure your projects are secure and up to code without breaking the bank! Timber structures have a very long lifespan. If you look at some timber bridges, you’ll see that some are one hundred years old and still in service. The lifespan of a timber bridge is based on how you build it. Something as small as putting a nail in the wrong place, can greatly lower a timber bridge’s lifespan. Our methods and techniques that we have developed can expand the life of a timber bridge by another one hundred years.

Atkinson-Noland & Associates, Inc.

When upgrading historic buildings to modern standards or converting these properties for a new use, private and public clients choose Atkinson-Noland & Associates, Inc.Our experience in working with historic masonry opens new design possibilities. Some firms choose to preserve only the façade, essentially replacing the interior with a new building. Our approach adapts and enhances the original structure.

60 Washington St. #401
Salem, MA 01970
Structures North Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Structures North Consulting Engineers, Inc.

Since our incorporation in 1997, Structures North Consulting Engineers, Inc. has grown to become one of the New England Region’s preeminent engineering consulting firms in the field of historic preservation, while growing a steady share of the commercial, institutional and residential markets. Our projects include a wide variety of structures, from new or renovated multi-unit mixed use facilities and private residences, to museum sites and houses of worship that are in need of restoration. Although we are based in Massachusetts, approximately one half of our work is spread throughout Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island and other eastern states.
Wood Research
& Development

(Structural Engineers)
10466 Sunnyside Rd. SE
Jefferson, OR 97352
Wood Research and Development
Wood Research and Development

At Wood Research and Development, we have almost 50 years of experience in any type of timber structure. We are experts for any wooden structure inspection, and pinpoint where the weak points potentially may lie. Our team members are world renown for timber structural engineering and design, and with our certified lab testing, rest assured we can assess any wood, any time, any place. Our unique testing methods are the foundation of our company. We have over 42 patents in timber. Our tests, done by our engineers, are safe and do not damage the wood or structure in any way. Our inspections have shown that irreparable structures could be fixed. This has saved companies millions of dollars. When we show that an existing structure can be repaired, it means that usage can resume faster because it is typically faster to fix a structure than to build another.
2619 Spruce Street
Boulder, CO 80302
Atkinson-Noland & Associates, Inc.

Atkinson-Noland & Associates, Inc. has provided structural engineering services including nondestructive testing and evaluation for federal, state, and private organizations since its founding in 1975. Atkinson-Noland & Associates offers services for masonry preservation from the planning phase through to the production of design documents and construction administration. Our staff includes specialists trained in evaluation and analysis from engineering and architectural backgrounds. Atkinson-Noland & Associates' structural evaluation services include detailed condition surveys, in-place structural testing, and laboratory material testing. Knowledge of masonry material properties allows our structural engineers to use the strength of the masonry in analysis and design, thus sparing owners the expense of unnecessary structural additions. Our approach to preservation is to use a detailed understanding of the materials and construction to offer solutions that protect historic structures while using their inherent strength to meet design objectives.


2619 Spruce Street
Boulder, CO 80302
(Preservation Engineers)
651 W. Washington Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60661
Hasbrouck Peterson Zimoch Sirirattumrong
Henry Adams, LLC
(Consulting Engineers)
600 Baltimore Ave. # 400
Baltimore, MD 21204
Henry Adams, LLC
Landmark Facilities
Group, Inc.

(Consulting Engineers)
252 East Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06855
Landmark Facilities Group, Inc.
Engineering, Inc.

(Consulting Engineers)
10503 West Drive Ste. A
Fairfax, VA 22030
Restoration Engineering, Inc.
60 Washington St. #401
Salem, MA 01970
Structures North Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Wood Research
& Development

(Structural Engineers)
10466 Sunnyside Rd. SE
Jefferson, OR 97352
Wood Research and Development
330 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.



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